Childcare Enhancement with a Purpose

Childcare Enhancement with a Purpose (CCEP), is a state-wide quality enhancement training initiative for childcare settings funded by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. Realizing that only a limited number of children would benefit from Hand In Hand’s inclusive early learning program, CCEP was implemented in 2002 to offer free training, consultation, and onsite technical assistance to community childcare teachers.  

How Childcare Enhancement with a Purpose Training Works

CCEP utilizes experienced inclusion specialists to share simple, practical ways to work with and includes children with special needs in childcare settings.

Our training focuses on understanding typical development and developmentally appropriate practices. As a result, we are able to impact the care of all children with and without disabilities. The impact of our training has raised awareness for early identification of children at risk for developmental delays. We serve Jefferson County, Shelby County, St. Clair County, Blount County, Walker County, and Chilton County.

Benefits of Childcare Enhancement with a Purpose Training

Our CCEP Training provides free onsite training, consultation and technical assistance to childcare providers and parents to create an inclusive classroom environment for children with special needs. Participants will learn:

  • To become aware of the benefits of including children with special needs
  • To enhance the skills of childcare teachers and other professionals
  • To become more knowledgeable about developmentally appropriate practices presented by experienced Inclusion Consultants
  • To be able to identify possible areas of concern in a child’s development
  • To learn how to find and utilize resources in your area

This program offers:

  • A curriculum with a multidisciplinary approach which utilizes developmentally appropriate practices.
  • Educational kits.
  • Clock-hour credit approved by the Department of Human Resources.
  • Onsite consultation and technical assistance.
  • Other resources for assistance.
  • Choose to Include
  • Quarterly Newsletters

For more information about CCEP contact United Ability at (205) 944-3969 or email Project Coordinator,  or

Additional Resources 

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